Spain beat giant killers Sweden to reach the Women's World Cup Final
Mallorcan residents hang ‘beach closed’ signs to stop foreign tourists
VIDEO: DGT Traffic helicopter crashes into a tree while trying to land
Spain has the highest number of Blue Flag beaches in the world
The driver of a scooter dies after being hit by a car and knocked off a bridge
Spain is preparing for one of the hottest days since records began
British Embassy urges UK licence holders to exchange their licence before cut-off date
Boat excursion company fined €161,000 in crackdown on ‘booze cruises’ in Mallorca
Semi-naked activists protest against bullfighting in Mallorca
Thieves steal suitcase with 8.5 million euros worth of valuables inside at Barcelona airport
High sea temperatures are increasing the threat of hurricanes in Spain
When will hand luggage restrictions be removed? Here’s the dates
VIDEO: Three arrested for scamming 200,000 euros vis SMS messages
The government will issue 100,000€ fines and shut down websites that advertise prostitution
July will finish with temperatures of up to 40 degrees and torrid nights
The EuroMillions makes someone a new millionaire in Spain
The largest species of jellyfish in the Med washes up on the beach of Tarifa
A two-year-old girl dies after drowning in a swimming pool in Tarragona
Town Halls introduce fines of up to €3,000 for reserving places on beaches
Foreign residents who spend more than six months outside Spain will no longer lose their permit